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Test Result : Scenario: Send BIRTH message and then DC message

1 failures , 14 skipped
15 tests
Took 4 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
And Bundles are requested0 msSkipped
And Command (ls) is executed0 msSkipped
And Configuration is requested0 msSkipped
And Device birth message is sent0 msSkipped
And Device death message is sent0 msSkipped
And I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"0 msSkipped
And I logout0 msSkipped
And I wait 5 seconds for system to receive and process that message0 msSkipped
And Packages are requested0 msSkipped
Scenario: Send BIRTH message and then DC message4 msFailed
Then Bundles are received0 msSkipped
Then Configuration is received0 msSkipped
Then Exit code 0 is received0 msSkipped
Then Packages are received0 msSkipped
When I start the Kura Mock0 msSkipped